Full frontal short gay movies

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If you're wondering what his parents think of his unofficial status as Most Naked A-List Actor, they're pretty proud - 'I'm glad you inherited one of my major attributes,' his father wrote to him via fax in what might be the best dad response ever. But good for McGregor for working against the status quo.

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Considering how often women are shown nude on screen, his total tally seems pretty small. It's stolen the spotlight in four films: Trainspotting, The Pillow Book, Velvet Goldmine, and Young Adam. Right from the get-go, the man who would later become Obi Wan Kenobi was not afraid to show the camera what he had going on in Trainspotting, followed by equally nude roles in The Pillow Book, Velvet Goldmine and Young Adam. His penis has been written about for both its dimensions and its prevalence. For a recent champion of full frontal actors, look no further than Ewan McGregor. It turns out that his nude scenes are not only numerous, but also quite esteemed. That's because it has appeared in more movies than some actors ever will.Īs Esquire writes, McGregor 'has done more full-frontal nudity scenes than any other A-list actor working today.' I mean, I do remember seeing a few lightsabers in Star Wars, but not that kind. As an average Ewan McGregor fan ( Moulin Rouge, Stars Wars, Big Fish), I knew I loved his movies, but I had no idea that his penis was famous. We are here today to address a fact that I only recently learned.

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